Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kollam: Axis Overseas Careers is the best consultancy for Quebec Skilled Worker Program (QSW) at Kollam, Kerala, India.

When it comes to Best Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kerala you cannot miss the name of Axis Overseas Careers. Guiding aspiring 5000 candidates.

Axis have been a pioneer in making Immigration a lifetime experience for you and your family. We are a dynamic team of professional business managers committed to making the instinct process of Immigration a smooth sail.

Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kollam

Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kollam

Kollam is a small beautiful town situated on the Ashtamudi Lake. It is flanked by the Arabian Sea on the west, Tamil Nadu on the east, Alappuzha and Pathanamthitta districts on the north and Thiruvananthapuram district on the south.

The town can be seen as sandwiched between Ashtamudi Lake and the Arabian Sea. It is a southern district of Kerala, located 70 km north of the state’s capital Trivandrum. Kollam is one of the densely populated districts of Kerala.

Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kollam, We are the best Quebec immigrant investor program consultants in Kollam, Kerala, India.

Quebec Immigrant Investor Program

Quebec Immigrant Investor Program are awarded based on six factors under the Quebec Economic Class selection grid. A minimum passing score of 40 points is required. Quebec Immigrant Investor Program candidates are evaluated based on factors that include

  • education level.
  • areas of training.
  • experience in management.
  • age.
  • language proficiency in French or English.
  • stay and family in Quebec.
  • the Investment Agreement.

The maximum points available are 94 points for applicants with or without a spouse or common-law partner.  Candidates who satisfy the required minimum score for management experience and financial investment will only need five additional points to meet the passing score of 40 such as a post-secondary school technical diploma attesting to one OR two years of full-time studies or an undergraduate university degree attesting to two years of full-time studies.

Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kollam

Quebec Immigration Consultants in Kollam

6 points are given both these programs. Quebec investor program candidates may be invited to a selection interview following a review of their application.

Advantages of the Quebec Immigrant Investor Program are

  • Investment without risk.
  • Passive investment.
  • Family included in the application.
  • Benefits of permanent resident status.

The investment of CAD $1,200,000 is guaranteed by the Quebec government and returned in full after five years. No active managerial role is required after the investment is made. All immediate members of the candidate’s family are included in the application and have the same status as the candidate and also can enjoy the same benefits provided to Canadians such as universal health care, free public education, world class universities and so on

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