Highly Skilled Workers
From January 2021, they will extend the current Global Talent route to EU citizens on the same basis as non-EU citizens. The most highly skilled, who can achieve the required level of points, will be able to enter the UK without a job offer if they are endorsed by a relevant and competent body. This scheme has recently been expanded to be more accessible to those with a background in STEM subjects who wish to come to the UK.
Additionally, in line with the recommendations from the MAC, we will create a broader unsponsored route within the points-based system to run alongside the employer-led system. This will allow a smaller number of the most highly-skilled workers to come to the UK without a job offer. They will explore proposals for this additional route to the points-based system with stakeholders in the coming year. Their starting point is that this route would be capped and would be carefully monitored during the implementation phase.
Example characteristics for which points could be awarded include academic qualifications, age and relevant work experience. This route will take longer to implement; they want to learn from previous experience of similar schemes in the UK that have highlighted certain challenges. The scheme will need to be designed to make sure it adds value and does not undermine the skilled worker route or create opportunities for abuse.
Related Topics: Skilled Workers, UK immigration point-based System
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