Clinical Pharmacist Training Program

Clinical Pharmacist Training Program


AIM : To train pharmacy graduates to become competent and professional clinical pharmacists.
DURATION : 45 days
CONTENTS : This clinical oriented class room training is designed to improve the quality of clinical pharmacy
services and it is divided into 3 modules, each for duration of 15 days.

Clinical Pharmacist Training Program


• Introduction to clinical pharmacy services.
• Introduction to national and international policies of medication management and use standards.
• Description of clinical pharmacy quality plans and indicators including:

  1. Medication reconciliation
  2. Monitoring of prescription for DRP and adverse effects.
  3. Management of high alert, LASA medications and crash carts.
  4. Drug recall plans.
  5. Drug information services.

Clinical Pharmacist Training Program


Tutorials on pharmacotherapeutics and pharmacology to instigate better understating on:

  1. Treatment algorithm
  2. Drug selection
  3. Drug dosing

• Training on implementation of antimicrobial stewardship programme, development and updation of hospital formulary, ICU protocols.
• Dedicated session on patient counseling, with discussions of real life case files.

Clinical Pharmacist Training Program

Clinical Pharmacist Training Program


• Tutorials on pharmaceutics and medicinal chemistry to improve comprehension on drug formulations, drug dose calculations, structural activity relationships etc.
• Introduction to elemental clinical pharmacy forms and formats like:

  1. Prescription audit form
  2. DRP reporting form
  3. Drug interaction reporting form
  4. Antibiotic stewardship form
  5. ADR notification form
  6. Medication reconciliation form
  7. Narcotic prescription form

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